Your Dog Has Arthritis So What Can You Do…
I Ask Myself What Can I Do ?
My Experience
What Does This All Mean ?
Post written by animal advocate,
Tina Kemp Wright
Rescuing homeless, neglected, abused pets is our mission.
Post written by animal advocate,
Tina Kemp Wright
Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety, What Can You Do About It ? I have heard many people state," My dog suffers from anxiety, so my Vet prescribes..." So, first, I would like to clarify "anxiety ". What does that really mean, in your pet' case, … [Continue reading]
Spaying and Neutering of Your Dog Spaying and neutering of dogs are highly recommended, however these activities need to be carried out by qualified veterinarians. Anesthesia is required along with due surgical procedures for carrying out the … [Continue reading]
We have all seen the movies or commercials where the cute guy is walking his equally cute dog and manages to strike up conversations with women everywhere along the way. It is true that owning a pet opens up several social aspects for its … [Continue reading]
While a pet brings unconditional love to us, there are many other real and tangible benefits along the way as well. Did you know that your dog or cat can improve your health. There are mental benefits, physical benefits, social benefits, and … [Continue reading]
I recently noticed some little brown bugs in one of the boxes of dog treats. And since we keep quite a large amount for our rescues, I decided to do a bit of research. Here is what I discovered. They are Grain Weevils that … [Continue reading]
Pet adoption needs to be very well thought out!!! Always be aware that pet adoption is a big step that will have a huge impact on the the animal as well as your family's life . We must always remember that pets are living creatures, just … [Continue reading]
This is Dopey and he is a 2-3 year old Aussie Mix. He is also blind. This is why he is curled up in the corner. He has no idea where he is because he can not see. He is terrified because he does not know what is happening to him and is unsocial … [Continue reading]
Once Gracie started losing her eye sight, I started to worry more and didn't know what I would do next. I didn't know how to train Gracie to get along without her eye sight. I was so confused and was panicked about how to care for her. I was … [Continue reading]
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