Your Dog Has Arthritis So What Can You Do…
I Ask Myself What Can I Do ?
My Experience
What Does This All Mean ?
Post written by animal advocate,
Tina Kemp Wright
Rescuing homeless, neglected, abused pets is our mission.
Post written by animal advocate,
Tina Kemp Wright
So, first, I would like to clarify "anxiety ". What does that really mean, in your pet' case, specifically?
Is your pet " fearful " in certain situations ?
A) fear of thunder (loud, booming noises)
B) fear of new people, new situations
Does your pet become "stressed " in given situations?Does your pet " act out" when in stressful situations ?
A). When left alone, my pet becomes destructive
B) When there is too much activity in/around my home, my pet hides, trembles, drools.
Just a couple examples of Stress.
In Rescue, I have witnessed all of the above , in many of the dogs that have come in from Dog Control facilities and Shelters.They are in a constant state of confusion and uncertainty.
Even dogs that have been placed in Rescue, by their owners, are often stressed and fearful, after losing the only family, home and surroundings they have ever known.
Certainly, rescuers must be compassionate, understanding of what each individual dog is going through.
Often, however, a tender touch and calming voice does little to calm the mix of emotions that the dog is experiencing.
I have been in Rescue, for more years than I am willing to admit. Have seen the terrors on the faces and in the body language of many, many " Rescued" dogs. Have been through the slow, agonizing process of trying to help them through the understanding that they " are safe now".. the realization that " no one will ever hurt you again ".
It is, sometimes a process that can take weeks, months, even years in some cases.
A couple of years ago, I became aware of CBD Hemp oil. I was, actually, researching for myself, as I sought alternate treatment for my Chronic Leukemia.
I found a massive amount of information on the benefits of CBD Hemp oil, for people AND PETS !!
I found a site, on Facebook...did more reading, watching videos, reading testimonials... Then I ordered.
You see I foster the Senior dogs, the Special Needs dogs, the ones that have " fear based " issues, that no one else wants to deal with.
The CBD Hemp oil has been an immense life saver, for my dogs and my nerves !!!
This " miracle oil" has :
Calmed my obsessive/ compulsive Staffie/Jack, so that she no longer bites, digs and chews herself raw.
Healed 2 of my arthritic seniors.. yes, HEALED !! You read that right !!!
But, I am getting ahead of myself.
We are talking Anxiety...
With this oil, your anxious pet, will rest comfortably in their crate.
Your anxious pet will sleep, peacefully through a thunderstorm.
Your anxious "rescued dog", will have the ability to relax and accept that tender touch and actually hear your calming voice telling them, " you are safe now "
As a Rescuer, I will never be without CBD Hemp oil again.
Post written by animal advocate,
Tina Kemp Wright
Spaying and neutering of dogs are highly recommended, however these activities need to be carried out by qualified veterinarians. Anesthesia is required along with due surgical procedures for carrying out the spaying and neutering.
Let me first explain the terms like spaying or neutering. Both are related to the surgical approaches of sterilization in case of females and males respectively. However, the term neutering is also related to such procedures in both sexes. Accidental pregnancies that are not wanted can be highly minimized by these procedures.
Spaying and neutering helps to prevent occurrence of pyometra, which is a common reproductive disorder-giving problem to the dog owners. In male dogs, the neutering helps to prevent the occurrence of prostate enlargement or cancer. Hence, these help to minimize the incidences of reproductive disorders in dogs.
By these spaying and neutering, the male dog’s desire in search of female dog in heat is highly minimized and hence, wandering of male dog is reduced. The animal becomes calm also by these surgical remedies. Territorial behavior of these animals is also highly minimized by these in case of male dogs.
Spaying of your dog before the occurrence of first heat is the best one to avoid the incidence of breast cancer. If the dog is spayed after the first heat, the chances of occurrence of breast cancer in them is more and has been proved by research. Younger group of dogs need to be subjected to these operations to avoid complications in the future. Post surgical care needs to be followed meticulously to avoid the occurrence of infections.
Spaying of the female dog is undertaken to control the unwanted pregnancy. The spaying of the dog reduces the aggressiveness of the dog. By spaying your dog you can reduce the incidences of the commonly encountered reproductive diseases like pyometra.
Spaying also helps to control the population in case of stray animals and many nations are doing these operations by removing the ovaries from the female animals. Experienced veterinarians are required to do the spaying in case of female dogs and the postoperative care is to be given more emphasis.
If proper control measures are not taken after the surgical operation for the removal of ovary, then the infections may start setting in and the animal may end up in development infections causing unwanted health problems.
Death of the dog may finally occur, if the dog is not provided an effective and proper veterinary care. A female dog that is spayed before the occurrence of first heat will have almost a zero chance of development of mammary cancer, which is more common with the dogs that are not spayed.
A female dog generally comes to heat once in eight months or so. During the heat occurrence, there is bleeding from vagina and the dog may cross with the unwanted male and the spaying activity prevents all these. In case of aged dogs, the dog may often get signs of increased thirst, anorexia, vomiting etc. that are so common with pyometra.
Pyometra means the presence of pus in the uterus. Once pyometra occurs, it involves many discomforts to the animal in addition to the cost factor involved for the therapy also. Pyometra is totally prevented by spaying because in the case of spaying, you are removing both ovaries and the uterus.
Surgical neutering of the male dog is very important in helping the dog owners to control the male dog’s aggressive behavior. Yes. By doing the surgical neutering, it becomes possible to control the dog’s restlessness, which might have caused so much agony for the owner and hence, neutering corrects such activity to the benefit of the dog owner.
When the dog is in puppy stage, the dog may be subjected to the surgical neutering technique. Hence, the hormonal impact is highly minimized in such male dogs.
The surgical neutering of the male dog helps to prevent the incidences of prostate gland diseases. In canine patients undergone the surgical neutering, the incidences of such prostate enlargement are totally minimized.
Sometimes, the adult male dog has more difficulties during defecation. However, one has to rule out the feed borne constipation like lack of fibers etc. before resorting to the fixation of prostate enlargement as a cause for this. Constipation may occur due to the increased size of the prostate gland. Neutering makes shrinkage of the prostate gland. In surgical neutering, the incision is placed in front of the scrotum and the testicles are removed in a surgical manner using aseptic techniques.
Some swelling may occur in two to three days time after the procure as a routine tissue reaction, in the scrotum. However, once you administer the prescribed antibiotics such swelling should get recovered in a satisfactory condition. Septic shock may occur if the surgical site gets infected with some microbial infections and in these cases, the wound needs a thorough dressing procedure and the patient needs to be continuously monitored in a clinical environment.
We have all seen the movies or commercials where the cute guy is walking his equally cute dog and manages to strike up conversations with women everywhere along the way. It is true that owning a pet opens up several social aspects for its owner.
There are many ways that owning a pet brings social benefits and just as many ways to be social with your pet.
Owning a dog is one of the best ways to become social, especially in the outdoors. Simply walking your dog in your own neighborhood opens up the possibility of meeting new neighbors as well as talking with some familiar ones.
Walking your dog in a park that is specified as a dog park opens up tons of opportunities to meet other like-minded pet owners. There you will find a variety of individuals from singles to elders. Most likely, these people are looking for themselves and their pet to meet people and socialize, as well as getting exercise.
Taking care of your pet means that your pet needs to visit the veterinarian and go the groomers. Both of these places will offer you the opportunity to meet other pet owners with similar interests. There seems to be a great divide among pet owners as to who is a “cat” person and who is a “dog” person. At the veterinarian’s office and at the pet groomers, you can discuss the differences and preferences of your particular pet. The great thing about socializing in these places is that you meet so many different types of pet owners with just as many pets.
Just as with any other activity, isolation is harmful and even dangerous to Your health. Too much alone time can cause many adverse health issues such as:
* Panic attack
* Anxiety
* Depression
Socializing is vital to your wellbeing. Just as socialization is vital for yourself, it is also important for the wellbeing of your pet. Your pet depends on you for physical activity and socialization. Obesity, joint disease, and heart disease are adverse effects of sitting idly alone.
Getting out and walking, sniffing the scent of other dogs, meeting and playing with other dogs are all important factors in keeping your pet happy and healthy.
Owning a pet is a responsibility, but it is also a blessing for both of you – especially when it comes to feeling comfortable socializing. Some individuals are a little shyer than others, and having a pet at your side is a great way to break the ice.
While a pet brings unconditional love to us, there are many other real and tangible benefits along the way as well.
Did you know that your dog or cat can improve your health. There are mental benefits, physical benefits, social benefits, and emotional benefits.
Have you ever felt down and had your pet bring you his ball to play? This is a perfect example of how a pet can cause an automatic shift in your mood and get you out of a slump. Unconditional love offered by a pet can also cause positive chemicals to release to the brain, thereby averting negative stressor chemicals (such as cortisol) found in the flight or fight syndrome. When positive occurrences are experienced, mental health improves greatly.
Pets greatly improve the emotional status of their owners. Have you ever owned a pet, let’s say a dog for example, and the dog automatically came over to you when you were crying and licked away your tears? Studies show that dogs are innately responsive to the emotions of its owners and are therefore readily available to respond to them. Pet owners are shown to be happier in studies than individuals who do not own pets.
Research is showing that pet owners are healthier than non-pet owners are. Pet owners have a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Pets, especially dogs, are also able to assist and alert owners that have certain medical conditions such as diabetes or seizure disorder.
A pet can aid in the defense of depression, anxiety, and panic. Having a pet to socialize with is an excellent way to get out and about for many individuals. Socializing is vital to your pet’s wellbeing and that means that you have to go along for the ride. Walking, jogging, running, hiking, are all excellent ways to keep in shape just as swimming and bicycling is. There are many pet owners who socialize with their pets in this way, enabling the pet owners to stay fit and trim along with their furry friends.
There is no better way to become more spiritual than when you reach out to help another. Reaching out to help another does not necessarily mean just to your human counterparts. Reaching out to your pet and playing, bathing, walking, caring, and just cuddling with them is an excellent way to become more spiritual. When you take care of a pet that is helpless and unable to help themselves, what more spiritual act is there than that?
I recently noticed some little brown bugs in one of the boxes of dog treats. And since we keep quite a large amount for our rescues, I decided to do a bit of research.
Here is what I discovered. They are Grain Weevils that contaminate dry goods such as flour, rice, grains, pasta, dog food, dog treats and basically anything made from any type of grain. They can only survive in humidity over 55%, therefore making Houston a perfect environment for them to thrive and multiply.
This is the process, if you are squeemish, you may not want to read this as you may not want to eat anything made of grains again.
It starts in the Farm where the crop is being grown. The female weevil lays an egg inside the grain kernel and she can do this up to 254 times. The eggs are so small that it is difficult to see with the human eye. Therefore everything we eat that is made from grains most likely is already contaminated with the weevil eggs as this happens in the farm while the crop is still in the ground. It can take up to 6 months for them to hatch and turn to worms, then eventually become those pesty little brown bugs we see in our dry goods. And as mentioned before if you live in an area with humidity over 55%, they will eventually hatch if you keep dry goods for a long period of time without eating.
The best thing to do is not to buy food in bulk if you are not going to use it right away. If you do buy in bulk as most rescues do, or if you just want to take precautions, then this is what you can do.
Keep any flour and grains in the refrigerator or freezer if possible as they can not survive in cold temperatures and it will kill the eggs.
If you can not keep in the frige then what you can do is freeze your dry goods, including dog treats for at least 2 days, if possible an entire week would be best. Putyour dog treats in a freezer bag and in the freezer. The cold temperature will kill the eggs and they will never become weevils. And just to ease your mind. They are harmless and contain no diseases. So if they were accidentally eaten, no harm done.
You must then put them in a vacuum sealed or air tight glass/plastic container and store in your pantry….dog food is best not stored in the bag it comes either. You can get air tight plastic containers especially made to store dog food in most discount stores such as Walmart. Never store dry goods in their original cardboard box or bag it comes in unless you plan to eat them immidiately!!!!
I hope this information is helpful as it was a learning experience for me and I am in the process now of freezing dog treats….
Always be aware that pet adoption is a big step that will have a huge impact on the the animal as well as your family’s life . We must always remember that pets are living creatures, just like us people.
They feel, they fear, they love and they need our protection and trust that they will never be abandoned.Pets are special friends, and once they offer you their love and trust, they will always believe that you will feel the same way, so that they do not end up in a shelter.
If you are not completely certain that you have full commitment to care for your pet for its entire life, then you should wait until you are totally sure that you can.
When deciding to adopt a pet, there are several things to be considered. First thing you must consider is:
This is Dopey and he is a 2-3 year old Aussie Mix. He is also blind. This is why he is curled up in the corner. He has no idea where he is because he can not see. He is terrified because he does not know what is happening to him and is unsocial because he doesn’t see you when you pass by his cage. Therefore Dopey keeps getting passed up and is not yet adopted.
Dopey is still available for adoption and rescue. He has been evaluated by two rescues. Amazing Aussies could not take him at the time because he needs more work before being with other dogs. He is receiving another evaluation November 19,2012, and we will update what the result of that evaluation is.
He is having a hard time warming up to staff and would benefit from being adopted or rescued. While we recommend an eval/introduction prior to all rescues/adoptions, we would highly recommend it in this case since he is having a hard time adjusting.
There are an extraordinary number of animals at shelters and over 50% are euthanized every day. Many of the animals that do not have a chance at getting adopted and are so often over looked, are special needs/disabled animals.
There are so many disabled animals in shelters and they are not given the chance they deserve to leave the shelter and have a life with a family. That is all that they want. They also want to be loved and give love. They want to cuddle with someone and feel the love that they have never felt before.
They may be blind, missing a leg or partially paralyzed or maybe they are a senior dog. All of these special needs do not necessarily have to be a burden. These dogs can still lead happy active lives. It just takes a little extra love and care and learning on your part and the dog’s part how to deal with their particular disability.
There are many training programs and Animal Rescue organizations that are willing to help you with your special needs fur baby. They will teach you how to walk a blind dog and how easy it is for a blind dog to get around. They will teach you how to put a partially paralyzed dog in a rolling cart and how easy it is for them to get around once they are in it. They can play and run, just like any other dog.
So before you pass up that little special needs dog at the shelter, stop and look again. They may look terrified or unsocial or maybe just sitting in a corner all alone. They are so often passed up and they are not aware of how to react to people . These are the most innocent of souls and have never had the love and attention of a person so they appear scared and unsocial.
Don’t pass them up, they so often make the best pets because they are so grateful to have this chance at life and love . I know this from personal experience as I adopted a senior dog that is blind and she is the best friend and best companion. And I have to admit, I almost passed her up for a puppy but took a second look and I thank God that I did.
Dopey is at the Apache Junction Animal Control Shelter in Pen 14. Dopey desperately needs a Rescue that is willing to work with his issues and rehabilitate him, to step up for him or an adopter with no other dogs that is willing to do the same. If you think you can give Dopey a loving home and show him there is much more to life than a cold cage, please contact them and adopt him. He is waiting for you to give you so much unconditional love. Apache Junction Animal Control is located at 725 East Baseline Road Apache Junction, AZ 85119 (480) 983-4405
November 19, 2012 UPDATE: Paw It Forward Rescue did an evaluation of Dopey this morning, and plans to pull him tomorrow and will be placed with a trained foster that will work with his issues. We will keep this post as updated as possible with the progress. Thank you to Apache Junction Animal Control and to the Rescues that took the time to evaluate Dopey and a special thanks to Paw it Forward Rescue for stepping up in a big way for this boy!!!!
Once Gracie started losing her eye sight, I started to worry more and didn’t know what I would do next.
I didn’t know how to train Gracie to get along without her eye sight. I was so confused and was panicked about how to care for her.
I was given a referral to an ophthalmology vet specialist. I took Gracie for a consult and was told that even though she was already completely blind that her cataracts were still at the beginning stages and that surgery could be done to remove the cataracts and that she would be able to see again. I was so happy to hear this except for one thing…. I didn’t have the money for the surgery.
By the time I raised the money, her cataracts had progressed due to her diabetes (if you would like to know more about pet diabetes go to my last post “Diabetes and Blind Pets”) and she was no longer a good candidate for cataract surgery. Gracie later developed an infection in her right eye that turned into an ulcer. The ulcer eventually ruptured and caused Gracie to lose the front globe of her right eye.
I learned that dogs eye sight is not their most important sense and that they learn very quickly how to get along without eyesight. Gracie started to learn her way around our apartment. The vet said she would start to walk all around and bump her nose on everything.
This is their way of marking the territory and putting their scent on it so that when they come near it again they know where they are and know that there is an object there.
She eventually learned our entire apartment and can get along perfectly now. She is a very happy little girl and lacks for nothing.
If you have a blind dog or a dog that is going blind, know that it is not the end of the world…. it will be hard at first and your dog will be scared in the beginning but will adjust. Believe me that they will accept their fate better than you will. You will suffer emotionally more than your dog because you love you pet and it is natural.
Another thing to keep in mind is that a harness is better for a dog than a collar because a collar puts to much pressure on the neck when it is pulled on and can do more damage to a dog’s eye sight. A harness is a better choice because when pulled on, it pulls on the dog’s chest and the front of the dog’s body.
It is easier to control a dog with a harness, especially if the dog is blind. A few tips that may be helpful is when coming near areas where the dog has to step down, slow down and eventually come to a complete stop in front of the step so the dog can feel it and your dog will investigate and start to step down.
If you need your dog to step up, do the same thing but when you come to the step, pull up on the harness and your dog will eventually come to realize that this means he/she needs to step up and will learn to raise his/her legs to take a step up.
The more you do these steps the easier it will be and eventually your dog will know these commands.
You can also say “step down” and “step up” along with these actions and your dog will come to know these commands along with these actions and know exactly what to do.
Gracie learned very quickly these commands and how to walk on a harness with ease and trust. Be patient with yourself and your dog and know that your dog can be and will be happy without his/her eyesight.
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